Because no one likes a Rungie.
I also feel a little heart sick. I didn't even get to the hard part of training and had to stop. However, when I stopped, I stopped with a health goal that I have succeeded in. That is a win. I feel like I could resume marathon training at this point and do ok. In fact, I am going to browse some nearby races, because I need that structure and motivation back. I kind of don't know what to do with myself without a race goal. I have plenty of half marathon options coming up, and I could resume the sub 2 hour goal. The thing is, being seconds off of that goal made me all, "meh. Close enough." That's probably a horrible attitude to have. I am sure I will have the desire to run fast again eventually. I also really wish I had a marathon partner to train with. I think that is something I need right now. Accountability and just having someone going through it with me would make a world of difference.
My easing back into cross training has gone well. Even just a little bit is making a difference, and it is nice to break up the running a little. Life has been busy, so it is handy to be able to throw in 30 min of barre or strength training on the days I don't have time to hit the pavement for an hour +. To answer your question, yes, my upper body still sucks, and I am avoiding heavy weights for that area still for the time being. I did have some success doing some body weight exercises for that area though. Baby steps. In the meantime, I get to pretend I have graceful long ballerina legs, when in reality I have short and scarily muscular legs that I trip over on a daily basis. Yay barre!
I also have yet to start speed work again, because I don't wanna. Boo. Hiss. (I know, I know!)
But I am doing way more yoga, and thus have happier hip flexors. Yay again!
In other super exciting running news, The Husband has agreed to try running with me! He will be on vacation this coming week, so it is a great time to get out there and get training. He immediately regretted agreeing to this when I told him I would have him running a half by the end of 2015, and started discussing His and Her medal holders. Which would be AWESOME by the way.
So, in closing, GOOD LUCK ROCKET CITY RUNNERS! And GOOD LUCK, CAKE, who is running her first marathon Sunday. Enjoy your race, and then enjoy eating the entire contents of your kitchen and probably your neighbor's kitchen as well :)
- Teacup Runner
"Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;"-Psalm 26:2 NIV
"Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;"-Psalm 26:2 NIV