So this marathon, everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly. Training has still been going well, though my ITBS has forced me to run slower than I would like. I got a foam roller and started some good strengthening workouts, and seemed to be able to keep it from going nuts.
Before I go any further, I need you to remember 3 points in this training:
1. I have put on a little bit of weight from all the running. Last time I was at the doctor at the end of December, I was about 5 lbs over my usual weight. I know that is not much to most people, but I am short and lean, so it is noticeable. No, I don't feel it as a negative thing at all, because I am not one to even pay attention to my weight as long as I am active and healthy. It is just something I have noticed.
2. My ITB has caused me to run slower than my norm. Annoyingly slow. But hey, marathon pace is supposed to be slower.
3. Marathon training has helped me tremendously with overcoming health anxieties. If you are worried about your health, first off, have a checkup. If all is well, make a 10 mile run your "short run" and you will really feel confident in your health.
Now, moving on to 2 weeks ago. It was a fallback week and I had a bad cold coming on. I managed to get my 10 miler done with Sarah (hill repeats!) before I succumbed to some major yuck in the sinus department. I ran a low grade fever for a couple of days and then it started to let up, but my energy level was NOT recovering. To top it all off, I felt like I was coming down with a stomach virus. All of this on the verge of the week I was supposed to run a 15 miler...
I won't go into the details of what made me suspicious, but let's just say I knew based off of certain events this past month that I should probably rule out pregnancy before continuing with my weeks training.
Just to "rule it out." Ha.
I am 30 years old. I have never had a pregnancy that was not tried for eagerly for months with ovulation predictor kits and analyzing fertile signs like it was my JOB. Months of tears and excessive chocolate when the "witch" showed her face. Peeing on far too many sticks than I care to admit. After the initial shock (I am still actually pinching myself hourly on this one), I had the thought of "How did we get so lucky the one time we were not planning?"
Ah, God. Trust in me. How many times over the past year have I felt that whisper in my heart? It should not have been a shock. He has been preparing us for this blessing for a while. There have been numerous non-running related signs, but for the purpose of this blog I will just go over the ones that have to do with my training.
Remember our 3 points?
1. When I was pregnant with Emmalyn, I was so sick that I stayed dehydrated and lost a good bit of weight in the beginning. I am starting this pregnancy out the same amount over my normal weight that I lost before my first appt. with E at just under 7 weeks. God's design.
2. I would really like to continue to run as long as I can throughout this pregnancy. My OB says I can as long as I do not train past my current level, and that I run at a slower pace. This week I have been running at a slower pace. Anytime I speed up, my ITB flares up. I slow back down and have no trouble. God's design.
3. I never thought I could go through another pregnancy after hemorrhaging after E's birth. That is the number 1 reason I decided I wanted to be done. It made me sad to think about, and I am sure that experience has played a part in my worry over my health. God has used running, and specifically long distance running, to show me my body is strong and healthy. All of this was by God's design.
The Plan
So once again, marathon training is postponed. At least it is for a much better and cuter reason than migraines this time. I still plan to run Scottsboro half and also to run the shoals half instead of the full. I found out recently they will offer a flatter half course, that I will probably opt for just to be safe. So last year I ran 2 half marathons 2 weeks apart....this year I do it with a tiny passenger! I also plan to use 4:1 pretty much for all runs. This is the plan, so let's hope everything goes well and I can follow through. I do have a tendency to have contractions early on, but usually that isn't until about 15/16 weeks. My OB does not want me to have any contractions due to a thin uterine segment I had at E's delivery, so that may impede my running later on, but these from what I have read, they can heal up over time. It has been 3 years, so it may not even be an issue.
I will say that I just don't have the desire to answer all of the intrusive questions that come along with announcing you are pregnant with your 4th child. Examples of these questions would be as follows:
1."You DO know what causes this, don't you?"

2. "Where are you going to put another one?"
It's not a pet elephant. I am pretty sure it will fit in our house with the rest of us.
3. ANY talk of my husband and my reproductive organs... off limits.
-"Aren't you getting your tubes tied NOW?"
-"Your husband needs to get snipped!"
-"Please tell me you are getting fixed.."

First of all, as a whole, we seem to have enough trouble getting our pets spayed and neutered in this country without worrying about what grown consenting adults do with their "parts." When did this become acceptable to ask someone? Just don't do it.
4. "Was it planned?"
What kind is question is that? Rude. The answer is rude.
5. "Ya'll trying to be like those Duggars?"
Because 4 kids is exactly the same as 19.
6."How are you going to find time for each other?"
Clearly we do not have issues in that department...
I will say that I just don't have the desire to answer all of the intrusive questions that come along with announcing you are pregnant with your 4th child. Examples of these questions would be as follows:
1."You DO know what causes this, don't you?"
2. "Where are you going to put another one?"
It's not a pet elephant. I am pretty sure it will fit in our house with the rest of us.
3. ANY talk of my husband and my reproductive organs... off limits.
-"Aren't you getting your tubes tied NOW?"
-"Your husband needs to get snipped!"
-"Please tell me you are getting fixed.."
First of all, as a whole, we seem to have enough trouble getting our pets spayed and neutered in this country without worrying about what grown consenting adults do with their "parts." When did this become acceptable to ask someone? Just don't do it.
4. "Was it planned?"
What kind is question is that? Rude. The answer is rude.
5. "Ya'll trying to be like those Duggars?"
Because 4 kids is exactly the same as 19.
6."How are you going to find time for each other?"
Clearly we do not have issues in that department...
You get the idea. I know most people mean well, but it's a baby, not a grenade. Of course we are happy about it. Despite being probably "done" I have always prayed for the health of any future children God may give us. We have always known that by leaving it up to Him, we cannot ever fully declare ourselves "done" having kids. This is definitely a case of God's timing and not mine, and really, there is a certain peace about that. My timing is always awful anyway.
-Teacup Runner
"For this child, I have prayed, and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart."-1 Samuel 1:27
8 week update: so due to a series of unfortunate events (mainly my forgetting that I cannot hold ANYTHING down once week 6 hits), I will not be running until I hit the 2nd trimester. My main focus is trying to stay hydrated right now, as I cannot hold water down. I did discover over the past week that I can tolerate sprite. Not the best option, but better than nothing. I keep sneaking water sips in between. Thanks to Bob Evans and his delicious side items, I have also been able to eat mashed potatoes and Mac n cheese the past couple of days. Hopefully I can build myself back up. The good news is we saw the heartbeat Monday. Baby is healthy despite the horrible flu I had last week and my extreme drop in calories. I am so looking forward to any sort of exercise! If you are a runner who has ever been down with any sort of illness or injury, you know how much not running effects your mind! I dreamed about running last night! It was glorious! I have been tempted to get on the bike (with a bucket), but I know it isn't wise until I can get my fluid intake back up. If this is anything like last time, I am hitting the peak now, and things should start to settle down in the next few weeks to a less extreme version. Until then, I will be running vicariously through all of my running buddies :)