I have tossed around the idea of a blog for some time now. I've had them in the past for family to read and keep up with, but I was terrible at updating. A running blog seems much easier to commit to. After all, I love running, and I love to talk about running. Unlike my FB posts about running, people actually have the option to hear about it all here.
I have decided to run a marathon. I've been a runner my whole life, but only just started racing a little over a year ago. My first race was a 5k that rewarded you with endless cookies at the end. That should tell you a lot about my running style. I love to run, and I REALLY love to eat. My goal last year was to run a half marathon. I succeeded in September with a time of 2:13:35.
My next big pace goal was a sub 2 hour half, but also two half marathons 2 weeks apart. I achieved the latter, but came seconds short of the first goal with a time of 2:00:13, and placed 3rd in my age group! I have decided to attempt a sub 2 hour again at the same race in March 2015.

My current focus is a full marathon. I've always assumed I would get around to running one, but the bug bit me this year while training for the back to back half marathons I ran in the spring. Unfortunately some health setbacks over the summer had me wavering. After about 6 months of noticing my migraines were having some new and somewhat scary symptoms, I was officially diagnosed with migraine with aura in April. I am one of the lucky ones that gets both visual AND sensory auras. Thankfully my migraines are not terribly frequent (especially during training), but the sensory auras can come on in between and are quite unnerving. In fact, my first major one mimicked a stroke, and I ended up getting an MRI done to make sure nothing serious was causing them. Thankfully, it's just me and my wacky genetics.

Add to that a chest wall strain that took about 2 months to heal, and a few other minor issues, I was ready to put the goal off another year. Feeling anxious and defeated, I felt like I would surely fail if I even tried. Then the week I was supposed to start training rolled around, and I just...did. I started training. I am on week 2, and still saving up to even register, but I want to journal my way through this awesome journey. They say you cannot train for a marathon without it changing you. What better time to start blogging?
Accountability and memories are what I hope to accomplish with this blog, as well as hopefully making people laugh and inspiring them along the way. Runners are a strange people. We have bizarre thoughts when running. We see crazy things. We discuss chafing in areas normal people don't even know exist. We learn what we can and cannot eat before, during, and after a long run. We never stop giggling when someone says "fartlek." Some of the best blogs I follow are fellow runners. I can only hope to be as uplifting and entertaining as they are.
So here we are! This is my blog. I will write about training, racing, fueling, and all kinds of random things in between. I hope you can find some inspiration for your own fitness journey. Enjoy!
-Teacup Runner
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. ” (Matthew 17:20 NIV)
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