No one said running was glamorous.
On the health front, I have been working on the whole migraine thing and also my struggle with the anxiety I have over the migraines. I am feeling very successful lately! Being open with my doctors has really helped. I say doctors, but currently I am just with my GP (who is AWESOME btw), but have a referral to a new neurologist who comes highly recommended in the area. I want a second option on there being preventative measures to take being there is a hormonal pattern to mine. Especially since the abortive medication my current neuro keeps telling me to take is not doing anything except making my migraines more angry, and seeming to make them give me more in between attack symptoms. Until the new appt, I have been working on handling my stress and anxiety better. Our bible study has been focusing on that in particular, and is working as an awesome therapy for me! Reaching out has done wonders for me. I am finding that I am not some freak of nature anxiety girl, that most people have trouble, especially those that deal with annoying conditions like migraines, and it is ok to ask for help! It is ok to say no and not commit to every project and every activity just to prove you can do it all. It is ok to take time to relax! I am not superwoman, and God doesn't expect me to be.
On the post marathon decision front, I admit, every time someone asks me how training is going, I get a little pang having to say it has been put on hold. I wish I were still training! I have to quickly scroll past any posts about RCM, because I SO wish I were running it. I know I am just not there, and I can't give training what it deserves right now, but it is almost like a break up, but you are hoping you can reconcile at some point. I am living vicariously through my friends that are training, and cheering them on! Mama Koala has her first full coming up on Sunday! I am eager to hear all about it. I am weirdly obsessed with reading race recaps by the way. If you have a running blog, I need to know about it immediately. Eat, sleep, and breathe the running, folks.
Half training, or should I say "upkeep" has been very relaxed. I did my last "long run" last week, a 10 miler. My pace was 10:46. I was on the TM and being kind of lazy, so take that how you will, but I expect it to be close to that on the course since my 15k was slightly faster. Race day adrenaline and all ;) I went out and bought some loud and obnoxious running tights to wear. Weather wise it is looking to be in the lower 50s at race start, and possible rain, which is PERFECT. I have a little bit of a history of rainy half marathons. The only one I ran that was sunny was awful, so I am all about some rain. It keeps me comfortable and seems to help me keep my pace more even. Yesterday I got out and ran a little over 5 miles, 55 degrees, light rain, and it was great. I hope it is exactly like that on race day! You always hear that running in the rain makes you a beast, but that is incorrect. Running in 95 degree heat, 100% humidity and not dying makes you a beast. Rain=PR. Of course I am not going for a PR, but I do expect a good race if it is raining. Either way, race bling and awesome post race food. It's a win win.
Like any good obsessive runner, I am looking for my next race. It is odd when I finish one and don't have another lined up! I have yet to sign up for Scottsboro half, but even so, that is in March, and I would love to run a few before then. I do plan to try and organize some neighborhood group runs at night during the holidays to check out all the cool lights. Because the only thing better than running is themed running. Obviously.
Until next time, runners!
-Teacup Runner
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -John 16:33 NIV