I apologize for being so behind on here! Right after the Color Run we decided to take an impromptu trip to the beach for a week, and I went Into crazy vacation planning mode. Somehow that still left me packing everything the night before, but what else is new.
The color run 5k was two of my best friends' first 5k. We had our team of us girls, plus The Bestie's husband and brother. There was another couple on our team that we never saw, because the amount of people was insane. We all went into it not knowing what it would be like, myself included. I will admit, I have always scoffed a little at the untimed races. I don't know why. It isn't like I am particularly fast, nor do I stress over my pace (most of the time), but I do like being pushed a little by the clock. After running and walking this particular 5k, I can see why it isn't timed. The point is to get colored, not finish fast. At each color station, you come to a halt to sort of line up and get squirted with this powdery color stuff. It is also a hard race to run just from the sheer amount of people. I had concerns that I would be completely claustrophobic and want to run people over with the jogger, but it spread out enough once our wave got going to where I felt comfortable.
Speaking of the jogger, this was the first running event I took Emmalyn along! She absolutely loved it! I thought she wouldn't want the color anywhere near her, but of course when she saw the pink color station, she wanted to make a beeline for it! At the end they gave you your own color packets to toss all over after running through a storm of paper confetti. I think that was everyone's favorite part!
I am so proud of both The Bestie and M for completing their first 5k! We all had so much fun, and have decided to all do more local 5ks this fall. I run so many races that are just my own race. I very rarely get to stick with friends the entire time.

I will play catch up later this weekend and give a recap on MS15k, which I ran this morning!
-Teacup Runner
"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 8:15 NIV)
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