Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Training and the Treadmill Slump

It seems crazy to be talking about this at WEEK 2, but any runner knows about the peaks and valleys of training. Some weeks we are on fire, while others we lose a little steam. For me personally, where I am in my training has little to do with this. I find if I am stuck inside on the 'mill more than a day or two, I get lazy. While there are many different ways we lose motivation in training, today, indoor running is what I am focusing on.  Last week I was getting up and out early. I had gotten in the habit in the weeks before training started to head out as soon as there was enough light to be seen. There is something exciting about getting out, not knowing what you will see on your run. It was nice and cool Saturday morning when I finished my first "long run" of the training plan. 6 comfortable miles in under 70 degrees, negative splits...ahh, bliss!

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Fast forward to this week. It's HOT. We are right in that time of year in the Deep South where the heat index is over 100 and happy to sit there for a while. The humidity is has reached the level I like to affectionately call "Hell's Armpit" and the idea of pushing the jogging stroller through that soup just makes me ill. I just want to extend my morning coffee and couch time by like 4 hours, and call it good.

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The problem with the ol' 'mill is I get distracted. I see all things that need cleaning. I can see what my kids may be doing that they shouldn't (why are we dumping another puzzle?? that spaghetti? WHERE did you get spaghetti??) My cat is rather fond of using my treadmill time as his bathroom time. It's so very convenient that the litter box is in the laundry room, which is right off the rec room where my treadmill is.

To get through a run indoors, I almost have to enter another dimension. Today, that dimension included disco music along with Hal Hidgen interrupting to make me feel guilty about wussing out during unfavorable weather (oh shut up, Hal.)

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Sometimes I study my devotionals while running and listen to praise music. Sometimes I like to listen to classic rock and envision myself at the end of the marathon. I am a total daydreamer, and I love thinking about my strategy for "the wall" that is sure to come. I always pray when I run. Still other days I browse recipes on Pinterest and think about what all I plan to eat when I finally escape. For the most part I always enjoy the run, but the treadmill is definitely the exception. This week my short runs are only 3 miles, but everyone knows that's basically 46 in treadmill miles.

Not that I have a huge following on here, but for those reading along, tell us: What are your strategies for getting through a treadmill run? Do you prefer road, trail, or the 'mill for your mileage?

-Teacup Runner

"We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." (‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ NIV)

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